America’s birthday.
Calls for something red, white and blue. Continue reading
America’s birthday.
Calls for something red, white and blue. Continue reading
These week’s pie was at the request of my Dad. Simple and All-American. Apple pie. A staple in any pie repertoire. Continue reading
“Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God,
But only he who sees takes off his shoes;
The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.”
― Elizabeth Barrett Browning Continue reading
You know you are living the dream when a dear friend gifts you fresh peaches they acquired while traveling through Georgia. I’ve already shared with you my deep affection for peach pie. It’s my momma’s favorite and mine too. When you find yourself in possession of fresh peaches, drop everything else you are doing and make this pie. Continue reading
Fresh fruit. Do you ever think about how amazing it is that we have access to fresh fruit all the time? Continue reading