it’s a year of cookies {week 26}

I’ve got another great no-bake recipe for you. These brown butter marshmallow treats are adapted from the lovely, Robyn over at Sweetish.Co and they are decadent. Not just a treat for kids, these buttery, salty, sweet treats will have you tempted to eat the whole pan!

Brown Butter Rice Crispy Treats

6 cups rice crisp cereal
6 cups mini marshmallows; 1 cup reserved for mixing in later
5 to 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, browned, (if you’re not browning the butter use 5 tablespoons, if you are browning the butter, use 6)
½ teaspoon kosher salt, optional, if you want that salty sweet effect, if not, a pinch of salt will do.

Grease a 8×8 inch pan with butter.

Melt the butter in a small sauce pan for about 4-5 minutes until totally melted and browned. Watch your butter closely as it’s easy for your butter to turn from dark brown to burned.

Add your marshmallows and salt to your melted browned butter (be sure to set aside 1 cup of your mallows to mix in later, this isn’t a huge deal if you forget this–as I forgot).  Stir until melted and you have this fabulous thick, brown speckled mixture of magic.

In very large bowl pour the melted marshmallow over your rice cereal mixing it all together with a rubber spatula. It will be messy.

Working quickly and with a light hand so as not to completely mush the cereal, mix the rice crispy cereal with the melted marshmallow, and the 1 reserved cup of mallows until combined. The mixture can be really really hot, so use a spatula first. Once the mixture as cooled a bit, butter your hands and continue mixing.

Butter your hands again and press mixture into the greased 8×8 inch pan until evenly distributed. Careful not to completely mash the cereal here either, just a gentle firm press into the pan works great. (Before completely pressed out in the pan, this is the time to sneak a bite or two before letting them cool about an hour or so before cutting and serving. Enjoy!

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