springtime in the farmhouse 

You should know right up front…I’ll confess…my Christmas decor stayed up until Lent this year. I always take allllll my time before taking down Christmas, I just can’t bear it….and then it occurred to me, take it down on Ash Wednesday. Symbolic? Yes. A little lazy? Yes.

So having all of that said, it’s mid-March now and I’ve made a few little touches around the farmhouse to ready for spring….and no, I’m not talking about all the mouse traps I’ve set, preparing for the mouse invasion of 2017. It’s real. But on to more delightful things….

I’ve already shared with you my affection for all the tea towels. Not only do I use them for their functionality but I’m so glad I live in a day in age where we can make them cute as a button too…so in honor of their cuteness…

While I wait for the lilacs and peonies to bloom, I always splurge around this time of year for a store-bought flower that will dry and last a while….I have found lovely eucalyptus at Trader Joe’s and always look for the baby’s breath at my local grocery to go on sale after Valentine’s Day…

I also have fun coming up with new ways to switch up areas like my living room mantel for the season. Simple little paper doilies hung with mini clothes pins on string, add movement and brighten up the fireplace.

I’m also enjoying the beauty of this artwork by Emily Jeffords. I love how she captures the stunning color and clouds of an open sky.  It makes me think of the scripture from Psalm 16:6 “The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed I have a beautiful inheritance.”

So whether you are spring cleaning or spring decorating today, let this thought warm your heart…the inheritance kept for you, is indeed, beautiful.