Not unlike many other aspects of life and sometimes, even more so, in the baking realm…things do not turn out like we hope. Continue reading
me oh my pie {week 3}
Last year for Christmas my sweet sister-in-law gifted me a beautiful pie recipe book, First Prize Pies. This pie book is full of inspirations: some simple, some ambitious. This week’s recipe is a simple inspiration and my favorite from the book. Continue reading
me oh my pie {week 2}
This week’s pie recipe comes from the lovely and oh, so create gals over at 1Canoe2, they have some of the cutest paper goods around, and these darling kitchen towels…more on that obsession later. They also share the affection for pie and are actually the ones that inspired me to do my own little pie a week challenge. Head on over to their year of “Everyone Loves Pie” and see all their fun pies! Continue reading
me oh my pie {week 1}
It’s fitting to start with this simple coconut pie, because it contains everything good about pie: flaky pastry and creamy, coconut, buttery goodness. Make this pie. I promise, it will soon be a family favorite. Continue reading
a note of welcome
the speckled pumpkin is a place for those who long to slow the pace, slow long enough to celebrate the beauty in small things oft left unnoticed in the hustle. Continue reading