I’ve been on a King Arthur Baking kick since my Dad and I embarked on a baking spree during the 2017 New Year holiday weekend. I think we baked 5 loaves of bread in less than three days, and that count doesn’t include a coffee cake and cinnamon rolls. It was a great way to ring in the coming year. I think it needs to become a tradition. Continue reading
oh me of little faith
Remember those tiny seeds in my hand. Continue reading
scrumptious scone loaf
Oh, a lazy Saturday morning with a good cup of coffee and a warm scone. Dreamy. Continue reading
planting seeds & good grace
This year my Dad and I are attempting to get a head start on the growing season with the aid of an indoor grow light and a lot of God’s grace. Maybe in a few weeks we will have some seedlings. Maybe not. My impatient and doubting nature showing through the process. Continue reading
the work of remembrance
“But, first, remember, remember, remember…” C.S. Lewis
I recently listened to reflections Christy Nockels shared on her podcast, The Glorious in the Mundane Podcast. (A little side note….follow this podcast and listen to it often. Let the rich truths discussed, sink in deep.) Continue reading