These enchiladas are creamy, dreamy. And if you don’t think an enchilada can be dreamy, you don’t know these enchiladas. Continue reading
in the kitchen
favorite double dark chocolate cookies
This cookie is worth writing home for…it’s big, it’s rich, it’s chocolatey and not at all fussy! You need this chocolate cookie in your life. Trust me. Continue reading
favorite creamy chicken tortellini soup
This is my go-to dinner when I don’t know what to make–as in, we eat it practically every week. It’s so rich and comforting, I know you will like it too! Plus it comes together so easily–I always make sure I have the ingredients in the freezer to throw this together in a snap. Continue reading
favorite kitchen tool wrap-up
This month, over on Instagram, I’m sharing some of my favorite things each day–February favorites, if you will… in case you missed it, here is a little recap of last week’s kitchen tool favorites! Continue reading
it’s the bundt of the month…1
Bundt cakes are already teaching me, and I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with baking technique.